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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

Hi Mollie.
Glad you got your washing and paperwork done. cool:

I've been saying all along that I was doubtful that Ash was going in, but that wasn't based on any inside knowledge, just on reading between the lines.
But in actual fact, seemingly negotiations were going on up until last Thursday to try to get Aisleyne involved, and many sources, including at least 3 ex-HMs were  saying that she was definitely going in, so she must have been asked at least.  

She's known about the movie role for a while, but didn't realise that she'd be needed for filming at exactly the same time as UBB, so she definitely intended to do it until she found out about the clash of timings.
That's the official line anyway, and I've no reason to doubt it.

I'll certainly watch the movie when it comes out, but it doesn't sound much like my kind of thing really. 

TBH I'll probably enjoy the series more, because if Ash was there I'd be worried about her all the time, and probably watch far too much live feed checking if she was OK. And probably spend too much money voting in her favour.
I'd still like it if Chantelle or Michelle were there, but I probably wouldn't lose any sleep over them?  

I've just put in 1 vote for Josie to win, and that's the only vote I'll make.
If Corin was still there I might have put in 10 votes.