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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

Good evening all

hope it was a bit drier for you today. We dont seem to of had much rain here, just the odd shower.
Yes I agree, it is good and nautrual if she is feeding the baby herself.
Is it the wedding this Saturday?  It is your lad getting married, isn't it?

glad you got the spray ok. Lets hope it does reduce those bites. Remember to re-spay every hour and half or so, inbetween jobs. At least you know it is safer than those strong repellants.
Glad you managed to squeeze a couple of hours in before the rain storm.

I too really like this Dickens task.
Billiant costumes, JJ2 did well in the song, but think Josie could of tried harder at rehearsals.

I watched some livefeed yesterday, and was mad that John  was trying to put the blame on Rachel for giving up, when he spoke to the others. John behaved like a spoilt todler from the word go, when he realised he had not got a staring role for the task.   Rachel had a bit of a moan because she didn't want to be away from the others, but john was the worse, he did nothing but try and talk her into quiting.   Such a shame if she had to leave now, I think she is a nice girl. 

I did look for the northern lights, but didnt see them.