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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

That was brave at the dentist Hicky.
I always opt to get an injection for a filling, so I don't know what it would be like without?
Years ago injections seemed to last for hours, but they seem to be much better nowadays. The worst bit is getting the injection.

Hope your kids party goes well tomorrow Hicky.

That's terrible for road tax.
I expect the Jag will be about the same.
The van is a bit cheaper thankfully.

You're right Mollie. It was freezing cold here today. Sunny though.
I got a few hours of work done, but my fingers were frozen.
I had fingerless mittens on, and gardening gloves on top of that as well.

I went to the supermarket  at about 5pm. They are closing for a few days in a week's time to become a Haldanes store, and they had big banners outside saying 'Closing Down Sale. Up to 50% Off', so i thought I was going to get some bargains, but it was a big swizz.
My basket cost just as much as it does every week. It was only the occasional items that had anything knocked off, and nothing that I wanted.
Also they'd run out of a lot of stuff.

I suppose Alex was an OK winner, but I wasn't that bothered after Nicola was evicted.
Pity Stephanie didn't get a bit further up though.

Watching BBBM I see Preston in the audience. Pity Chantelle isn't there.
Last edited by emptybox