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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

Last night in the BB house, Day 39/40.
04:14 More snoring than usual. There'll be some sore heads in the morning, I reckon.

03:30 No, no one's awake. It must have been the clanking of Sophie's chastity belt...

03:07 Sounds like someone might be up. Either that or there's been a break-in. Stay tuned.

02:37 That was quick. Marcus is out again and heading for bed.

02:28 Oh, no. Marcus has asked to speak to Big Brother and he's now gone into the Diary Room.

02:21 The boys are finally heading for the bedroom. And now they're saying they feel a bit drunk. That explains the endless prattling on about... whatever it was they were talking about.

02:23 Freddie and Marcus are in the bathroom and, can you believe it, they're discussing Ocean Colour Scene, Travis, Slayer, The Verve and Radiohead. Can you believe it? They're about to go to bed and they're having the first normal conversation of the entire series.

02:15 At last, the cameras are back in the bedroom, where there's some peace and quiet. AND Sophie seems to be taking clothes off under the covers. Just a dressing gown, I think. Watch this space.

02:10 How mean is Marcus: he's telling Siavash and Freddie how he could touch Sophie (former HM, keep up) and she would quiver. "But I was thinkig, oh, but I don't like you." I really hope she's not watching, Marcus.

02:05 Marcus is saying, "Nearly everyone in the world will listen to ten idiots, rather than listen to one genius." Write this stuff down, it's deeeeeep.

01:57 Freddie is being smart (no, really) and keeping his mouth shut. The boys are in scary territory.

01:50 The boys are trying to tell Marcus to get off the Noirin thing. He's telling them they don't understand his relationship with her. "It's all about respect and the deeper meaning of things." Oh, please!

01:45 Marcus still thinks he and Noirin have the basis of a relationship. Thank goodness for Freddie - he's telling him that he's unlikely to get more than friendship from her.

01:34 Now Siavash is really laying into Noirin, and the boys are agreeing that she's a bit of a backstabber. Marcus isn't being two-faced at all, is he?

01:24 Marcus, Siavash and Freddie are going back over the rabbit thing again. Give it a rest, boys.

01:18 Looks like the rest of the HMs are asleep.

01:15 Marcus is telling Siavash that he's a s*** stirrer, and is having a dig about him mentioning the 'rabbit' stuff to Noirin.

01:10 Now the boys are discussing Noirin. Siavash thinks she's smarter than they are. Marcus won't have it. Funny that.

01:03 Siavash is saying that the girls in the house are educated in the ways of BB. Walking around with their t*** out actually doesn't help them win.

01:00 Siavash, Freddie and Marcus are talking about Sree.
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