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Reply to "Happy Birthday GMA"

Aww 'Thank You All' for your best wishes, I did have a lovely day! I had a new watch by Storm from hubby, wine from my youngest son, S3 of Gavin & Stacey on DVD, the new perfume by 'Ghost' (captivating) and an O2 joggler between my eldest son and daughter. I banned all forms of chocs or cakes! I hope all the lovely cakes you've given me are calorie free!

The reason I've not been around for a while is only because we've been doing the house up - so as it's only hubby and me he can only work after work and at weekends, so it's taking ages. The LR is done and the kitchen is 99% done and there's a bathroom and 3 bedrooms to go! We've lived here 29 yrs but as the kids have left (well my daughter is still here but like a ship passing in the night due to her working) we thought we'd have nice new things - hubby however, has digressed the past three weekends to build a BBQ and Pizza oven in the garden - fair play they're looking good - the oven isn't finished yet tho'.
I do 'lurk' via my iphone when I can't sleep at night but of course you're all in bed so I just read your threads. I'm determined to get my cyber routine back as I do miss you all!

I hope there's not many new things for me to learn about the forum!

Love to you all and thanks again for your wishes!