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Reply to "geeky quiz help needed"

So far I have:

Genuine Caviar = Truro (True Roe)

Pan-cook rabbit town = Peterborough (Peter pan/peter rabbit and burrow=burough)

Mess behind rug = Edinburgh (anagram of beind rug) as said

The result of chinese burn = Armagh (bad joke) as said

Dagenham?= Hereford (as in here ford as mentioned before)

Left opening around september 1st = I think may be westminster (Left=West and houses of parliament opens in september i think) not too sure about that one but closest i can get so far.

for Replace your old drugs all i acn see is Newry. New=replace old and Rx is medicines so maybe Ry is the new one. again not convinced of this but closest i have.
