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Reply to "Frank Field has resigned citing 'Corbyn's anti-semitism'"

Baz posted:
Carnelian posted:
Baz posted:

I think I’d rather a politician who voted with his conscience ...rather than simply towing the party line ..

Well parties exist so that like minded people gather and vote like-mindedly for the same broad objective because they support more or less the same principles.  Ukip wouldn't allow an EU cheerleader into Ukip.     If his 'conscience' is a Tory 'conscience' then he should wear the Tory rosette and campaign for Tory values in his seat.

Well personally I’d much rather ...and trust more....a politician who didn’t simply tow a party line , even when they disagreed with it .....than politicians who ditched their consciences in order to be seen as a faithful party member ....and thereby protect their job . In fact , wasn’t that what people liked about Corbyn .....I applaud that , I just don’t happen to agree with the things he stands for 

What if that party member was a white supremacist and their values were state approved favouritism for whites?  Or someone who once proposed building secure units for 'problem families' under a Birkenhead motorway?  Like Frank Field suggested? 


Or someone who greatly admired Thatcher despite his idol telling the world that Nelson Mandela was a terrorist and his idol being a friend of Pinochet even though Pinochet's regime used bestial rape as a weapon against his political enemies?  


Free speech and a broad church is fine but when your broad church is so 'broad' it includes card carrying Thatcherites, puppets of the US Military Industrial Complex/fundie Christians and Likud Zionists then IMO, your church is so broad it stands as a promoter of the very values that it was set up to oppose.

Last edited by Carnelian