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Reply to "Footie Thread"

Reference: Pinky
My brother asked if he could "borrow" my black cat after the match on Saturday, they learn to keep out of the way from 3 - 4.45 on Saturdays in my house!!
PMSL Pinky, that reminds me of one of our old cats who absolutely adored/stalked my younger son. Son was laying on the sofa listening to an Arsenal match with Jakey puss asleep on his stomach. Arsenal scored, son leapt up screaming with joy, cat leapt as well and landed with all his legs straight, claws out with his fur like a bog brush - right on son's personal bits

Jake never laid on Austin again when the footie was on!

Btw I remember ATV and their logo. It was like two interlocking eyes one above eachother wasn't it? It was on when I was a kid before Crossroads