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Reply to "Darnell's Hotel (No Giraffes Allowed!)"

Moonie posted:
Baz posted:

Afternoon Darnies Lovely day here too Moonie Gardener has been and mowed lawns ; I’ve fed the birds sign from bird box yet ,; I’ve done two loads of washing and put the summer duvet on ....which means it will probably snow next week  Getting the winter duvet back in the duvet bag gave me this weeks workout Hope you are all having an enjoyable day 

Hi Bazzy  

Glad you have a nice day there too 

Well done your gardener  

I’m sure you will hear the little ones chirping away soon 

As for the duvet, I shall be tackling my summer one soon too  

My day is going splendidly fankoo. I hope yours is too 

😂😂Mine would be ok if I had three hands ....and longer arms Glad you’re having a good day though Moonie 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
