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Reply to "CH4's response to a personal complaint about LF [READ INSIDE]"

Originally posted by Dean0Mac:
Okay so someone over at TiBB emailed CH4 personally and complained about the LF situation and this is the [personal] (not auto-generated) email they received back.

Dear [name ommited],

Thank you for your E-Mail querying the availability of the red button interactivity on this year's "BIG BROTHER".

The red button 24-hour streaming facility was discontinued prior to the last series of "CELEBRITY BIG BROTHER" and we have no plans to reintroduce this service for the current edition of BIG BROTHER.

The main reason behind this decision is that we've found the number of viewers choosing to use the red button facility has dropped significantly and more and more viewers chose to watch the clips provided on the official "BIG BROTHER" (and other) websites.

So we have shifted our resources to cover these areas and have new fanzones, on Twitter and Facebook as well as our own site, and we'll also be working extensively with partners such as Bebo,Youtube and MSN to deliver footage to "BIG BROTHER" fans to keep them fully upto date with what's happening in the house.

However, live streaming will be available on both E4 and Channel 4 latenight/early morning and we will be showing all the other great shows that make up the "BIG BROTHER" experience, like "BIG BROTHER'S LITTLE BROTHER" and "BIG BROTHER'S BIG MOUTH".


thats not a personal response, thats a round 2 automated response sent to everyone that emailed back after the initial "go **** yourself" email from ch4.