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Reply to "Celebrity Apprentice"

Taking part are Rylan Clark-Neal, Sam Allardyce, Russell Kane, Omid Djalili, Richard Arnold, Kelly Hoppen, Tameka Empson, Ayda Williams, Rachel Johnson and Amanda Holden.


I hope that Omid Djalili makes some effort. He was in an episode of Celebrity Mastermind in December 2016. In the general knowledge section he appeared to decide to make a mockery of the programme by deliberately answering most of the questions incorrectly. For instance his answer to which was Ian Fleming's first Bond novel (Casino Royale) was Dr Yes. If he had said Dr No that would have been a fair answer but to deliberately give a wrong answer is pathetic particularly as he was doing the programme for charity.
That was the episode which also had Hacker T Dog who did considerably better and nearly won.

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro