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Reply to "Ben's Buddies"

El Loro posted:

Had a strange phone call a short time ago from someone ringing me about their online identity check system. He was adamant that he'd rung me a couple of weeks ago, not that I can remember such a call. He explained why their product was superior to others and that the manual ones I do weren't adequate. I said I've been doing electronic ones for years, not manual ones. He wasn't convinced by that. Their product included facial recognition and that I would be able to send this on. Why that would be of any relevance or use to me I don't know. I was able to eventually get a word in and was able to make him realise that we were wasting each others time. I said I was puzzled by his call as I would have said the same things to him before. We think that we must be living on different planets

El, I I think you get the Buddies prize for receiving the strangest calls
