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Reply to "Ben's Buddies"

Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:

Afternoon all 

Weather is dry and bright.

Hubby and I have been to Costco, so my freezers and cupboards are stuffed.

I'm glad there has been some movement re your floor tiles, Moonie. Hopefully, the inspector will get the work done soon.

Glad to hear you slept well, Squiggle. It makes a lot of difference when we get a good night's sleep.

I hope the meeting goes well, El.

Off to dead head and feed the hanging baskets and weed the raised bed.

Have a good day, everyone.

Yogi, I am not sure movement re my floor tiles is an apt discrimination 

But I know what you mean and I thank you  


I see you have been busy stocking up and now dead heading  

lol I'll have to choose my words more carefully 

~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Good afternoon at long last, we have some sunshine! Phew 

moonie, you are very welcome to have some of our rain, we have had plenty this week. 

I hope you're all having a good day. My mum has gone home now, we've had a lovely time and I'm going to miss her. I think Bramble will too  


yesterday we went for a lakeside walk and saw lots of exciting creatures, including a gaggle of 40+ geese! There were swans & cygnets, ducks & ducklings and baby Moorhens too  

So glad you had a good time with your mum.

~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Just popping in to wish you all goodnight, I have a friend coming over for a girls night in sweet dreams all 

Have a good night with your friend 
