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Reply to "Ben's Buddies"

Yogi19 posted:

Interesting discussions here today, El and Moonie.

El, I keep a record of my meds in my diary, on a calendar and on a post it note on the fridge/freezer, to make sure I know when to take it. It's my belt and braces approach to my meds.


Squiggle, PB brightens up our lives no end. She is such a little chatterbox (no idea who she takes after) and comes out with such funny things.

Thank you for confirming the blackbird birdsong in Moonie's video clip. I'm not great at identifying birdsong but I do like the blackbird's as it so melodic.


Summer, I hope you've had a good day?


It was a lot cooler here today but Keira and I still had a nice walk.


I've just caught up on the rest of it too these boys have been busy with their brains today! 

~Sparkling Summer~