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Reply to "Ben's Buddies"

Evening just a quickie as I'm going to run a bath in a mo. I had a busy day, which included running Bramble to the vets. She's been a little off colour since tues/wed and went off her food, which is nothing unusual but she wouldn't even eat any rice. Then, she threw up yellow bile this morning!
It's a typical case of terrier has eaten something disgusting and upset her tummy (again!!!) and she would have recovered by herself in a couple of days, but I thought some medicine was in order because she's taking a long road trip with me this weekend.
The vet gave her a shot of antibiotics and said I did the right thing, better safe than sorry.. She's perked up a bit already

El, have a lovely weekend with your brother, the cakes sound lovely!

Hope everyone had a good day
~Sparkling Summer~