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Indeed it is.


Been ok so far, I went out and spent some of my birthday/xmas money... took advantage of the Works liquidisation sale (3 Discworld audios for a tenner) and went to Game (the new Professor Layton is still sold out everywhere, but I got a preowned older one). No migraine... I had that over Hogmanay. *ahem*


How have you been? Has CBB been entertaining?


Ahh a Hogmanay headache  well thats not so bad. Sounds like you got some bargains there 



CBB is watchable... not sure about entertaining... there are plenty of annoying characters. Also enjoying The Bridge on BBC4 [Scandi crime drama].


Oh I also got a Medion tablet  - it was too cheap a price to miss. I prefer the Xperia though, far easier to use.



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