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didn't catch frozen planet. i know i should watch it, it's attenborough. actually, don't think i've ever watched an attenborough. got so much v+ and iplayer to catch up on as it is.


which reminds me.. still got autumnwatch from friday to watch.


ah now wrapping... bought new papers and ribbons... i make present wrapping a sport. *nods*


Our house in Belfast is a terraced house and Owen grows lots of flowers + veg despite the tiny back garden. Bees are a gardener's friend as they pollinate. Owen even bought a special macro lens and sent me close up photos of a bee, so hopefully he'll like the beehouse.  He's convinced his "bee" was the same one visiting the garden all summer. They won't build a colony there, its a resting place for mason bees, which are solitary bees - probably the type he saw


Yep I have all the ingredients ready. Tesco Finest mincemeat check. All the ingredients for shortcrust pastry check. Even got a little Kenwood mixer to do the pastry right. Now which recipe to choose hmmmm... Delia, Jamie or Nigella? I've discounted Delia already... ain't no lard going near my pies  its butter all the way.


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