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hello.... made it back, york was lovely... saw an eagle from just before the train reached carstairs...

and apparently, according to smarmy git in a york pub, it wasn't a proper hen night as we were drinking pimms and stripperless...

 none of us wanted to be hungover since we were round the corner from yorkminster and the bells ring there for at least an hour on a sunday morning.
they are indeed. although...
we had a competition during the hen night.. we had to find different things (something borrowed, something blue, etc) and one girl had to convince a guy to serenade the hen. so, she managed it... it was clearly the best one so she won the prize. the lassie who had arranged everything had ordered playing cards from ebay... nude ones, thinking it would just be guys in posing pouches and what not...

she didn't check them... she should have... lets just say i'm glad i didn't win. lol
Heh heh blushes all round.

When I was a kid we went to Blackpool on our hols and took a day trip to York. At the end of the day we couldn't find the right car park, missed our coach and were stranded in York  We didn't know what to do, I remember the police giving us a lift to the train station . Sounds like you had an altogether better time.
I saw the HLs  later on Hitch and the Dutch were absolutley shocking  so dirty!!! De Jong ( I think ) kicked a spanish player full square in the chest. Justice was done though, Que Viva Espana!!!

Ekkk.... don't mention Orange, its the start of Twelfth Week. My brother Owen in Belfast says its all kicking off  . He always takes this week off every year to avoid the trouble. He's completely non-political, non-sectarian, all he's interested in is sci fi. If asked his religion, he'd probably say Jedi 


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