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So, I was out last night, but have just watched the second episode.


I noticed an interesting new tactic for not being brought into the boardroom - defend the PM...


I thought Lord Sucrose got it right. I've not read what all of you think yet, but I stick by my decision - it's his type of business and he should have been all over it. Besides, I wanted "Stella" aka Francesca MacDuff to stay in...



Edit: Just watched "your fired" and Tim has disappointed me. He starts the interview by saying that he was made PM and did not even know their names, but then later in the interview he describes them as great girls !!!


  So hate that, do you know them or not Tim ????




Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Last edited by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Natalie Panayi [The Apprentice 2013)
  • The Apprentice 2013 candidate Natalie Panayi has been  branded  “fame-hungry” by a former manager.


The 30-year-old apparently tried her hand at singing before turning to a  career in busness.

The Sun newspaper reports that Natalie was originally part of girl band trio  Candy, but didn’t get along with the group’s manager, Sheldon Scott Dawkins.

He told the tabloid today: “I pity Lord Sugar because Natalie was a nightmare. She  couldn’t bear to not be the centre of attention. It was more like dealing with a  toddler than an adult sometimes.

“The choreographer used to call her ‘princess’ behind her back.”

Sheldon ditched Natalie from the band after less than a year, and claimed: “She called me a pr*ck a few times and told me to f*** off. I was stunned when I  turned on The Apprentice and saw Natalie.

“She never showed any interest in business when I knew her.

“It will be interesting to see how long it takes her to make enemies on the  show.”

Now a recruitment manager, Natalie declared at the top of the series: “When  it comes to business, I am the complete package and when it comes to sales, I’m  the best.”

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Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

The eyebrows are looking magnificent this evening...

They will never be magnificent. They will only be less terrifying over time. 

They're at their pomp in all their glory, Xochs; what's not to adore?

(Obviously from a safe distance behind a waste bin masquerading as a table/chair storage thang)


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