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you gotta be all man to wear pink lycra with confidence!
a bit sleazy hiding it under a trench coat    I think that was probably one of the funniest things I've ever read   a 6 foot something viking vampire wearing a trench coat and pink lycra

but then again he did run through the woods trying to herd a pig as a tribute for the maenad with some wine - pity True blood won't show that
Yum Errrriiiicccc!!!

OK there's one thing I don't get - Vamps stay the same as they are when they are made which is why Bill has those ridiculous sideburns so how comes in the second series Eric has short hair yet when he was 'made' he had shoulder length hair like he does in that picture that Mufmeister posted?  Has something happened that we don't know of that allows a 1000 year old vamp to cut his hair

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