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I think he is the town Quincey type character
Yeah... I think he's called Andy... the drunk cop?

Now tonight we have a brilliant new vampire too! The gun-totin' southern Dallas vampire... who, if I dare say, is a possible contender for best-looking vampire so far!   

I still ADORE Jessica and her rebellious teenager stuff with her human boyfriend on their mobiles!  

But I have to admit... I'd quite fancy staying in that hotel... it looks rather luxurious and plays perfectly to my night-time proclivities...  

Sam is gonna get into deep doo doo, I fear...
Now I'm really confused! If he pre-dates Eric the flippin' Viking by 1000 years, then why would he have either names with Christian roots?
perhaps he changed them depending on where he lived   decided he liked Godric and kept it

I thought he was speaking German on Friday night/Sunday night's episode as I could understand what he was saying but it wasn't totally Germanic
I've just realised Godric or Godfrey needn't necessarily be of Christian roots... the 'god' part could have been used for other all other beliefs too as roots for names, but just Anglicised for our purposes. Maybe he's Saxon then, if it sounded a bit Germanic? Sorry... my early European history/geography is a bit rusty... well, all my history is a bit rusty!

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