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Does anyone else think that "Janine" is a rather useless actress?
I'm getting really bored with her now. She is so one-dimensional.
Do you think it's the script she gets or is it that she just can't really act?
She only seems to have one expression and I feel like I'm going to scream if she does that calculating look, while putting her tongue in the corner of her mouth, yet again!

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Im not sure to be honest that I have noticed that much her mannerisms and I havent seen her in anything else to compare really. I guess its probably the story lines, but as you say its a bit boring now, the bad lady and her antics. Perhaps shes bored doing it now and needs a different challenge. LOL.

Have to say though looking around, you could say the same about most of the actors on there, that they have their character and have to stick to it. Like Shirley never changes, nor phil, or heather, or any of them really.
Grey O Lady
ooh er Heather Preggers eh! Thought she was going to drop a horrible bombshell of a life threatning disease. Liked the way they said Whose is it. Its only Minty shes been married to isnt it or have I missed something here. Even then dont think it was supposed to have been consumated.
Grey O Lady
Apparently it's PHIL'S !!! Eeker Eeker Eeker

But God knows when that's supposed to have happened ! Confused Confused

Art, like morality, consists in drawing the line somewhere.

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Originally posted by Grey O Lady:
Well by the state of him lately anything is possible. I must have missed something why did he start drinking again??

Because his Mummy was cross with him because he hadn't murdered that new husband of hers when she asked him to. Big Grin

Art, like morality, consists in drawing the line somewhere.

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Originally posted by Grey O Lady:
Oh Ta, Yes did miss that episode.

Yeah, Phil just roughed him up a bit and scared him and then threatened him with dreadful things if he didn't leave the country and stay out of their lives forever. Which he said he would do. (only he's really going to come back later).

Peggy assumed Phil had done him in and cooked him a nice steak and said what a good boy he was. Then she found out that new hubby wasn't dead after all and threw a hissy fit and chucked his steak in the bin and said Grant wouldn't have been so spineless and from that time on Phil was no son of hers and she disowned him and he was never to darken her door again. Laugh

Then she left Walford for somewhere or other, to recuperate from all the anguish, and Phil took comfort in a bottle of vodka.

All a bit ludicrous really. Crazy

Art, like morality, consists in drawing the line somewhere.

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Originally posted by Artymags:
Does anyone else think that "Janine" is a rather useless actress?
I'm getting really bored with her now. She is so one-dimensional.
Do you think it's the script she gets or is it that she just can't really act?
She only seems to have one expression and I feel like I'm going to scream if she does that calculating look, while putting her tongue in the corner of her mouth, yet again!

and shes not even attractive.. i dont know why men go for her
Originally posted by El Loro:
Heather's 13 weeks gone, so that's before Phil started drinking.

Anyway, let's start speculating as to who's the daddy and I'll go for Nick. That really would be intriguing.

I was told, by someone who claims to have inside information that Phil was the culprit - but I can't see when that could have been.

Also you would think Heather can't have had many rumpy-pumpies in her past so presumably it would have been quite an event for her. Therefore, if it was someone with whom she was in daily contact, she would surely act a bit differently in their presence, and they might act a bit embarrassed around her.
But NOTHING is obvious - no change in attitude from anyone.

Perhaps it's an immaculate conception.
Perhaps she's been visited by the Angel Gabriel - or had it away with the devil like "Rosemary's Baby." Crazy

Perhaps she's been busy with a turkey baster. Big Grin

Art, like morality, consists in drawing the line somewhere.

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Originally posted by fookat:
Originally posted by Artymags:
Does anyone else think that "Janine" is a rather useless actress?
I'm getting really bored with her now. She is so one-dimensional.
Do you think it's the script she gets or is it that she just can't really act?
She only seems to have one expression and I feel like I'm going to scream if she does that calculating look, while putting her tongue in the corner of her mouth, yet again!

and shes not even attractive.. i dont know why men go for her

I think she WOULD be attractive if she hadn't got such an off-putting personality.

Art, like morality, consists in drawing the line somewhere.

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Originally posted by Dobby the House Elf:
It's just a stupid storyline all round if you ask me. Laugh

Aren't they all?

The trouble is that there is too much competition amongst the soaps for audience viewing figures, so they go for more and more attention grabbing story-lines and so get further and further away from real-life situations that people can identify with.

Art, like morality, consists in drawing the line somewhere.

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Originally posted by Dobby the House Elf:

I think they should all merge into one!

Does anyone watch River City?

If they all merged into one we'd never keep track of all the characters - and the villains would be fighting among themselves and the adulterous harlots would all be scrapping for the best looking married bloke and I couldn't stand all that gaggle of revolting teenagers together in one show! Eeker

Wot's River City?

Art, like morality, consists in drawing the line somewhere.

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I think its best just to take it for what it is a Soap and not get too worked up. I cant understand people writing in to complain that something isnt right. Ok if its serious like a life threatening disease, that they have done their research properly but all this out of this world storylines, well its not REAL LIFE is it and to be treated as escapism.
Grey O Lady
Originally posted by El Loro:
I'm waiting for the day when someone leaves a soap and joins another soap as the same character.

Now that WOULD be good!

Have you anyone in mind?

Art, like morality, consists in drawing the line somewhere.

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Originally posted by Artymags:
Does anyone else think that "Janine" is a rather useless actress?
I'm getting really bored with her now. She is so one-dimensional.
Do you think it's the script she gets or is it that she just can't really act?
She only seems to have one expression and I feel like I'm going to scream if she does that calculating look, while putting her tongue in the corner of her mouth, yet again!

I`ve got to admit she really annoys me as well...
Originally posted by Artymags:
Originally posted by El Loro:
I'm waiting for the day when someone leaves a soap and joins another soap as the same character.

Now that WOULD be good!

Have you anyone in mind?

Well, as there is a touch of the Anti-Janine in the postings, we can settle on her. She gets rumbled in whatever scam she's cooking, flees Albert Square and, by the following week appears in whichever soap the public have voted for her to move to. (I know it's not possible as soaps are filmed ahead of being shown, but it could be interesting and give the script writers some real headaches.)
El Loro
Originally posted by El Loro:
I'm waiting for the day when someone leaves a soap and joins another soap as the same character.

They have, a couple of ex Brooksiders joined Hollyoaks as the same charcters.
Mrs Flowers
Originally posted by Dobby the House Elf:
Originally posted by Teddy Bleads:
Is it wrong that I much prefere Drunk Phil to normal Phil. he's much funnier and much more entertaining.

Nod Nod I know it is terrible, but I totally agree with you.

He plays a drunk really convincingly doesn't he?

I never rated his acting all that much before, but he acts a drunk fantastically well. Laugh

Art, like morality, consists in drawing the line somewhere.

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I was really impressed with the acting by the young lad who plays Jay.

I`m still not keen on the Nick/Dotty storyline though.

That little girl is only supposed to be seven (I think) yet we`re supposed to believe that she`s capable of almost masterminding the plot against Dot?
Originally posted by Latecomer:
I was really impressed with the acting by the young lad who plays Jay.

I`m still not keen on the Nick/Dotty storyline though.

That little girl is only supposed to be seven (I think) yet we`re supposed to believe that she`s capable of almost masterminding the plot against Dot?

I agree with you about both characters.

Dotty is REALLY unconvincing though.

So is her accent....... Laugh

Art, like morality, consists in drawing the line somewhere.

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Hasn't there been ANYTHING to say about E.E. since last June?
I'm finding it hard to find anything likeable about this incarnation of Sam. It would help if the actress could act, so I won't be sorry to see her go.

I think EE is treading water at present which is why there's not a lot to say.
El Loro
I agree about Sam. She was pretty when she was younger but she's lost her looks so completely now that her face no longer suits the role.
Shows what cocaine addiction does to you!!!

Incidentally, what's happened to the dreaded Dotty, the devil child, these days?
She's not been around for ages.
Has Jim done her in?
I think that June Brown is taking time out (presumably because she's appearing in Calendar Girls), so I doubt if we will see that much of her and therefore not much of Dotty. So for instance, this week we have scenes with Jim in, but Dot is out so we don't see her.

As for the Boris scene - why did they bother?
El Loro
I think the scripts for Trina's bracelet after she died have been laughable they're so bad. Lucas has left it or lost it all over the place instead of getting rid of it in the local canal which in rl a person would do if they didn't want to be associated with it.

Stacey's acting as someone suffering from bi polar disorder has been extremely good and believable.

So was that it with Boris Johnson, 2 lines and gone?
Yellow Rose

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