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Embedding BBC clips

Some of the BBC web pages have clips which have an embed icon </> so that the clips can be embedded elsewhere such as this forum.


Until recently, once you had copied the embed code, you would got to the posting reply box here, click on source code (the <> icon at the far right of the bar of icons) and paste the code in the resulting source code box. You would probably need to edit the dimensions to get a better result such as width 600 height 530.


That seems to have changed. If you do that now you get this result:

What is happening is that the embed code now includes the title of the BBC page after the web page number.What you need to do is to remove that title from the code. The web page number seems to have 7 digits. So the text between that number and embed needs to be removed leaving one / between the number and embed. The clip should then embed correctly.

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro
Original Post