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Reply to "Are You Blu ?"

Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
Originally posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


I was quite surprised by your post. HD-DVD has been discontinued for a very long time now. I have to disagree with you but the quality of Blu-ray films is excellent. The encodes are so much better now that studios have got into their stride. You should see the remastered Bond films (superb for their age). Films like Wall*E are breathtaking. I would argue strongly that Blu-ray films now surpass HD-DVD in everyway. I have compared both the DVD and Blu-ray versions of Quantum of Solace (which I own) and the Blu-ray is clearly much better than the DVD equivalent.

I would urge you to revisit Blu-ray because it is probably the best way to view films at present, at least until we get 2K !!!

whilst i accept that br has progressed quite a lot its only now with the latest discs and players even getting close to what hd-dvd was from the start but still with one huge minus point, hd-dvd was region free br isnt Frowner on the plus side it means that films that were out on hd-dvd can easily be picked up worldwide, dont get me wrong we do have br players (the panasonic ones with divx) but we can still be watching an hd-dvd disc whilst its br equivalent is still booting up, the fact that br also has some "hidden" surprises up its sleeve is also very offputting, its drm system makes even apples drm look positively benign and you just know that once dvd finaly dies off they will activate it bringing a whole new world of hurt to its users, knowing what is capable of just makes me want it to fail so badly that i'm happy to live with upscaled dvd until the holo-dvd system starts to appear in a couple of years capable of storing and playing video at quad hd rates.

Not true, Some studios including Warner Brothers make region free BD's, not all I grant you, but there are a lot out there. The speed of boot-up has got progressively better with each release and firmware update. It's not so bad now.

I am not sure what you refer to as hidden surprises. If it's just DRM, then I don't see where your problem is, not unless you want to pirate the discs - well do you?

BD will not fail. It is growing at a faster rate than DVD. You can also see that DVD prices have dropped so that the studios can milk the last bit of profit from DVD before they really push BD hard.

The prices of BD's are also very reasonable, many starting at just £6.99.

You will not see any improvement in HD technology for a long time. The studios want to maximise profit from the current system before they move to the next.

VHS - DVD - BD - 2K - 4K, that is the order.
My best guess, 2015 for 2K.
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities