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A very odd story which reminds me of a film

I saw this very strange news item on the BBC about a local man:


Gloucester man charged after liquid throwing attacks

A man has been charged with assault following a series of water and cola attacks on women and girls in Gloucester.

Christopher Attwood, 24, will face magistrates in Gloucester later this month accused of three charges of assault by beating.

Gloucestershire Police said there had been 12 reported incidents across the city between April and June.

In each case the victim was approached from behind and liquid tipped on them.

In 10 of the cases water was used and in the other two attacks cola was used.

Conditional bail

Most of the attacks took place at the beginning or end of the day, with the youngest victim aged 10 and the oldest in her 20s.

Gloucestershire Police said incidents had happened in Norbury Avenue, Matson; Linnet Close and Heron Way in Abbeydale; Hurricane Road in Brockworth; The Butts, Baneberry Road, Marlborough Road, Calton Road and Lewisham Road.

Attwood, from Lancaster Road, Brockworth, Gloucester, has been released on conditional bail until his court appearance on July 27.

A Gloucestershire Police spokesman said: "Amongst his bail conditions, Attwood cannot enter Gloucester out of work hours, can only enter Gloucester via a set route and is not to be in possession of any liquid-carrying container or water in a public place."


The reason why I posted this story is that it reminded me of the Michael Powell film A Canterbury Tale. Part of this film is about a man who goes round pouring glue over girls.

El Loro
Original Post