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Member Rank: #65

Posts By Zaphod

  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    I was sure there would be one by now..... ... buckets of derision on standby..... Grande Bretagne null point.. Over 3 hours of Europe telling us to sod off through the medium of rubbish pop :D  Z.
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Evening All Don't mean to be presumptuous but no doubt various gaga souls will later be coalescing into an incoherent bunch of point scoring, arguing and general my MP got more votes than your MP sorts so I thought I might suggest a tastefully...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Well.. you know the way that a Lioness will protect her cubs at all costs? Confess.. do you decorate your Christmas tree with an equal level of propriety and protectiveness? Ok so you let the kids help..awww bless.. but as soon as they have gone to...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    "Turn around when possible" Ok. Instead of a Sat Nav guiding your every move down the about a Life-Nav to guide you down the road of life.... "You have reached your destination,,," Z.
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    "Music videos are once more available to YouTube viewers in the UK after the streaming site reached an agreement with songwriters' group PRS for Music." ClickyZ.
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    .. and tell yourself something...a single piece of advice say... when? and what would it be?(I blame Back to the the Future III )Z.
  • Just For FunUK Lounge
    General knowlege.. start at 9:30pm coz no bugger watches BB anymore.... format is everyone who wants to join in gets an individual question each.. pause and wait for your answers... award one point for correct answer then move on to next question.. 20...
  • Just For FunUK Lounge
    .. no, not BB phone voting.Angel (of the North) has it in mind to break out the Trivial Pursuit game and play in this thread.. 9pm start.. what? you will be watching BB? Well if not and you want to join in then add your name.. oh and turn up at 9pm as...
  • Just For FunUK Lounge
    Well.. admit it.. you hate it !!!Z.