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The Secretary

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Points: 11,310
Member Rank: #238

Posts By The Secretary

  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    I don't have to endure Christenings very often due to most of my friends being fellow satan worshippers and despite my best efforts to get out of the event, it looks like I'm gonna have to attend one on Sunday.Now I have no idea what to buy.It's for a...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Watch Marcus implode
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Surely this man's voice is the most irritating in the world I really wanna watch the documentary about He Who Must Not Be Mentioned but this droning is getting right on me wick
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Full of shite?I think so...If anyone asked me what attracted me to the person I am most attracted to it would take me a few seconds to answer too... and even then I'd probably try to bluff it with a gag Tis utter bolleurks
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Great tune during the ads...Who would you let drive your car?Me? A suicidal maniac
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    What's with the dog puppet serenading Sue Barker?
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Just ignore this
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Back for more punishment from the Murray lovers But First, Federer and Karlovic.A formality really
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Bring a bottle!Wadaya reckon?
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    I think da boy's in a spot of bother already
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Am I missing sumat?Sorry to start another MJ thread, but if I see 'have some respect' one more time, I might have to peel my face off (not as a tribute).Some people didn't like him. A fact not changed by him snuffing it. Get over it.
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Having a heated debate* with Mr Sec about this.Please vote carefully. There are only 2 options *for heated debate, read 'full on barney' - the veins on my neck are popping
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Is it just me, or does this site keep crashing IE?
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    What can you invent that's already been done?I'd quite like to invent the interweb
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Forgive me if it's already been discussed - this is the first I've seen of em (except for the werewolf)
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    (I'm including the old place when I say 'here') Why did you stay? Plenty of us aren't arsed with BB anymore (me included), but keep posting. For me, it's the ultimate people watching experience. I've witnessed love, hate, new life & death. Funny people, misery arses, unjustified low & high esteems, the supremely intelligent and the breathtakingly dim, psycho nutters, gangs... but most importantly, I've met some fab people Yes, I'm a bit pissed
  • Just For FunUK Lounge
    Am I allowed to hide in here when the other gaff gets overrun with BB threads?I'm house trained and can bring me own sofa?
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Does anyone use em?I've had a batch of the angry frown mark ones for some time but never used em regularly.Having been sitting in the sun reading and forumming, I now look constantly concerned.Do I need to finally book the botox or will Frownies save me?
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Ok Ya know how on FB, you add people... friends of friends and such... (well during the week in 1997 when I actually used FB, I did) and even though you never ever talk to them, you leave them on the 'friends' list cos you're idle and don't bother to...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Innovative garden furniture.Here we go, Apprentice fans... :woohoo:
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    Off to see the Stuffies tomorrow (WAHOOOOOO), but need a little dress help.The last time I saw 'em in '93, I wore a lumberjack shirt, teeny cut off white jeans and bovver boots.My dilemma is this:I still have the shorts and boots but I'm 16...
  • TV ShowsBig Brother UK
    I'm having a heated debate elsewhere about this Well?