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TV ShowsMad Men
I'm about to begin the journey!
Former Member Its brilliant Sweet and it gets better series by series. You sort of slowly fall in love with the characters. Mad Men is my favourite tv series of all time, beating The Wire, ER, Breaking Bad, The Sopranos - yep its better than those i.m.o I'm not one for rewatching stuff but Mad Men I'll happily sit and watch through again and again to savour it [ more ]
~Sparkling Summer~ Ok so I'm about 8 episodes in, it's a little odd but I'm liking it so far and I'm going to keep watching The no music thing is strange lol [ more ]
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TV ShowsMad Men
Curtains up for Series 4!
Green&Pink I found this on the internet....interview with Jared Harris no mention of Mad Men..but its lovely to see "Lane Pryce" like this PART ONE PART TWO [ more ]
Former Member "Mrs BlinkingHell" It was excellent wasn't it. WOW indeed. The pace of this series seems upped a bit, theres so much going on, and all the different strands beautifuly woven together. [ more ]
Xochi This is what I just posted on Will's blog but it's a work in progress! "Also mourning the future loss oldmuskrat But WOW! What a great episode! It just all gets better and better! I'll do a better critique later, because so many things stand out. Essentially though. The return of the business, Don's seeming decline whilst pulling the rabbit out of the hat at the end...and the young pup Pete's ascendancy. And a near punch-up between Pete and Roger! Who would have predicted that! Scrub that. [ more ]
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TV ShowsMad Men
Curtains up Mad Men!!!
Xochi Episode 8: Souvenir Well! What a fascinating episode! To anyone watching it for the first time it would have looked like a dull cross between 'Stepford Wives' and 'Desperate Housewives'! However, it was suffused with all the usual, almost subliminal nuances. The main angle it came from was to scene shift from the office to the 'burbs. You could foresee a snore-fest after the last episode. How wrong could you be! To me it became a stark contrast between Don's waning moon and Betty's rising... [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Well! That was a bit of handbrake turn after last week's episode! Suddenly I'm thrown back into chaos about Don! Just as he seems to mellow and realise the mood of his time with his family and office relationships, he reverts to stereotypical type... ...Thats what I always liked about the Sopranos, from the same writer - the honest realistic depiction of how people actually behave. Contradictory, inconsistent, messy. If you think of a standard drama, the characters follow a... [ more ]
Former Member Very interesting take, thanks Xochiquetzal . What an episode! I also need to rewatch them / err "savour" them. Don's treatment of Peggy - surprisingly 50's throwback - although he softened it with encouragement at the end. I wonder did fate later on deal him a hand for his hubris. At the peak of his swagger he was scammed + thumped. Hillbilly dad also appeared in his subconscious to cut Don down to size. Also phenobarbitol? What kind of recreational drug is that? Was that what Betty was... [ more ]
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