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POLL: varied poll about the remaining 5 85 Responses

Just a light-hearted poll about the final 5 housemates and how they have affected our viewing pleasure.
Any comments would be appreciated.

Which housemate has provided you with the most laughs and smiles and amusing moments?

Which housemate have you found most dull and boring? Have any of them caused you to groan "Oh not again. Not more of this please"?

Which housemate have you found most annoying - either because of their general manner/behaviour, or a habit, or a trait?

Which housemate have you enjoyed looking at?
Who has the most pleasing appearance?

SOUND - pleasing
Which housemate has been the most pleasing to listen to?

SOUND - displeasing
Which housemate has made the most displeasing or unpleasant sounds?

This survey was originally posted to a topic here.
Posted by brisket ·
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