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March 2020

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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Alex Salmond cleared of all sexual assault charges
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities In life, there are always exceptions to the rule. [ more ]
Saint Whilst i was training to be a teacher one of my lecturers used to extol the virtues of education saying it would make a person more informed and thus a better, more reasonable person. This proves otherwise [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Re: Alex Salmond cleared of all sexual assault charges [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
UK clocks went FORWARD on 28th/29th March
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing I used to be lost without my watch, but after several years of NOT wearing a watch at work (NHS policy) and not being able to (skin was annoyed by the engraving on the back) I hardly notice that I'm not wearing it. Still carried it around though - just in case! [ more ]
Yogi19 ❤️
Yogi19 I’m the same, Eugene, I’m lost without my watch. [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The new co-host of Bake Off is
Lori Thanks, El Loro! I get a message that says it can't be viewed outside of Canada. I'm going to have Mr. Lori see if the show is available to us on whatever channel we used to watch it... [ more ]
El Loro Lori, it seems that the CBC cut out the technical challenge when being shown on television so that the programme ran for an hour (to allow for adverts). When the BBC originally ran Bake Off there were no adverts. Once it moved to Channel 4 there were adverts but in the UK, the programme fits a 1 hour 15 minute slot. CBC say that they have the full programme online: I cannot check that link as we are in the UK and CBC prevents us from seeing anything there. [ more ]
Lori I wonder if we can still GET the British version. I shall put my best man on the job. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother
Eugene's Lair "Live", eh? Well, that can't possibly go wrong... [ more ]
El Loro They are to be told this evening in a live special after consultation with their relatives: [ more ]
Amythist I wasn't aware of the USA thing...horrible. This is different in that they are all safely cocooned from it all and watching them getting on with the usual shenanigans might be therapeutic to watch as all everyone is talking about is the virus .However probably unethical just to leave them in there uninformed for much longer. If given the choice they may decide to stay put.....seeing as a lot of filming has ground to a halt (peaky blinders has been stopped ) we need all the entertainment we... [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I dont know what happened Madiline Mcann.
Carnelian Well, the mostly rightie press is preoccupied with Coronavirus, Brexit and hating on Meghan. Diana and Madeline McCann are parked for the foreseeable future. They will return on a slow news day. They will return, you can count on it! Considering the Mirror saw fit to bang on about Lord Lucan a few months ago. Like, anyone under 55 gives the slightest crap about him! [ more ]
machel There are so many unanswered questions that I find it difficult to believe them and who leaves their children alone at night [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I was sooooo smug yesterday ...
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing We don't even advocate greater hygiene all that much. Yes there is a background mention of hygiene, but it's not really pushed. [ more ]
Baz Exactly Rexi ....people die from flu in this country every year ....but we don’t close things down [ more ]
Baz But a) no one has died here yet , and b) that won’t mean it’s gone away cos the majority of people recover ....and there have been suggestions in China that even after people recover it may come back again [ more ]
See all 33 replies...

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