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February 2018

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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Good going Dame I too still play, usually Saturday's and Sunday's whilst having a coffee. The other customers must wonder what I am up to when I let out a cry as I get stuck and the game ends. [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average *cough* and I was so close to getting 4096 and a 2048 together and made one flipping mistake and blew it, I finished on just over 60 thousand. [ more ]
Baz Wish I could [ more ]
See all 73 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Matt celebrates 30 years
Eugene's Lair I think there are two main reasons why we've never had a proper modern version of Spitting Image: firstly, it was hideously expensive to make (between 200 and 300 grand an episode - in the 80s!); and secondly those trying to remake it didn't really understand why it was popular in the first place. There have been several attempts at reworking SI over the years, e.g. 2DTV, and the makers would always claim that they were "correcting the mistakes Spitting Image made", which seemed to translate... [ more ]
Baz Re: Matt celebrates 30 years [ more ]
Eugene's Lair And again... [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lewis Gilbert, film director, has died
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities I love the soundtrack by John Barry and like a number of Moore films I take them with a pinch of salt and enjoy then for the nostalgia of first seeing them as a kid. [ more ]
Yogi19 Some great films, and he lived to a good age [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Well, I'd probably cast a veil over "Moonraker"... That said though, it's an astonishing body of work. I was just having a quick glance through IMDb, and there are a number of notable films where he has writing as well as directing credits, e.g. "The Admirable Crichton". RIP. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jóhann Jóhannsson: Award-winning Icelandic composer dies aged 48
Baz Re: Jóhann Jóhannsson: Award-winning Icelandic composer dies aged 48 [ more ]
Eugene's Lair As it happens, I saw "The Mercy" last night. It not exactly the cheeriest of movies anyway, but knowing that the soundtrack was one of Jóhannsson's last brought a lump to the throat. (I believe his very last soundtrack was for "Mary Magdalene", which is released next month.) [ more ]
Moonie *passes Bazzy a 🥊 to hit back* [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Charity series of Bake Off
Baz I’m looking forward to it I know several of them ....and wasn’t Perri just kicked off DOI ? [ more ]
Yogi19 Good news, and even better news that Ruth is taking part. Don’t know who some of them are but out of the ones I do know, the only one I don’t like is Melanie Sykes. [ more ]
Saint Not wanting to sound negative ... same old faces, we are honoured, no? [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Saint Wonder if this is hand in hand with a Gov request? Make sizes smaller so people eat less naughty food but as a 'repayment' for your co-operation companies can keep prices the same or more? [ more ]
El Loro The BBC article has several more comparisons including price changes. The complete article is on: [ more ]
Saint Where's the fun in 'fun size' ?? It's just less of what you want !! [ more ]
See all 4 replies...

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