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The Film Thread


I can't be bothered to hunt down the other thread, so decided to create a new, updated, quicker and all round improved thread.


Today I took myself off to see Blade Runner 2049. Before doing so last night I watched the original 'Final Cut' to refresh my memory.


At present I'm not going to say too much, mainly because I don't want to drop spoilers and I am also digesting what I have seen.


I was dreading it as I am a big fan of the original but I did not leave with my head in my hands, so that was a plus. I felt there was plenty to tie the two together visually and also in the odd 'motif' scattered throughout the film, there is also links storywise as you would expect -again, can't say too much. If you are going to watch it in 4DX, then take a raincoat, it's a very wet film. I thought the music was great and for me was very important to the feel of the film. The film is in 3D too and I always seem to sit there going "that was for the 3D effect....". I think I will definitely need to watch it again when In receive my 4K copy.



Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Last edited by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
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