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Reply to "So if Jeremy Corbyn is antisemtic for promoting Hobson's "Imperialism" is the Arch Bishop of Canterbury antisemitic for reading the New Testament?"

El Loro posted:

Carnelian, before buttonholing Justin Welby, you might want to read this pamphlet published by the Holocaust Educational Trust in 2016, specifically pages 10 and 11 which were written by him.

A robust condemnation of antisemitism.

While the Archbishop's words are fine, well intentioned and warm but the fact is the New Testament IS the most influential antisemitic text in the history of mankind.  


The New Testament makes it quite clear that Jews rejected their messiah and the true son of God for material gain from gentiles.  The New Testament casts Jews as those who would betray God's son for material gain. The New Testament therefore curses Jews for their betrayal of God's true son.  The tribulations of the Jews can be seen (by Christians) as their punishment by God for forsaking his son.


The arch bishop's words are well meaning and with the very best of intentions but the text of the New Testament is the biggest justification for persecution of the Jews that has ever been written.  And the text of the New Testament is what the Arch Bishop of Canterbury hold as true.


Hobson's Imperialism is antisemitic in places but it is small fry .  Let's cut the crap.  The New Testament is an antisemitic text and all Christians are inherently antisemtic.


Last edited by Carnelian