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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Not liking the VT about evictions
Xochi Totally agree.. but they all have barely any reason to be voted to save on the basis of what has been seen by the viewers ... and tut! darlo! Thought that's what this thread was going to be about! [ more ]
Mauser It does - shame because when he's animated his eyes have a lovely sparkly look, completely tranforms the fella! [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Yay they just played it , relieved phew lmao. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Enedmol say they're listening - re LIVE FEED
Bethni Prince_Sophia the second one is the same response i got.... then another email from them asking me back IF i read and agreed to follow the can imagine what my reply to them was! [ more ]
Jenny Of all the off shoot shows, this was the best by far, and it seems, they've stopped it. [ more ]
Prince_Sophia my respose to c4 re live feed has recived th followin 2response from c4 Hello, Sorry, but a comment you added on has been removed because it broke the terms and conditions. followed by Hello, Sorry, but a comment you added on has been removed because it was off topic. Please make sure you read the rules to make sure the stuff you post or upload is relevant. hmmmmmm me thinks they's runn scared [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Predictions as to who will go tonight.
Breatheout Sree or Sophia , i hope [ more ]
einna Marcus hasn't made much impact but i think he could be interesting given time, the guy with the long hair should be kept in cos he's a bit of a dark horse, Angel may cause problems Benz?? i like her, the other 2 well i hope it's one of them [ more ]
Former Member Awww, I proper laughed when the voiceover man said: "Half wit is in the kitchen" earlier. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Does Sophia really have a problem with Saffia?
brisket I don`t like Saffia and I don`t like Sophia. From Sophia`s first scream until now she has seemed to me to be a Miss Bossy-Boots. Boren to clash. When they were all saying a little bit about themselves she went for the life story - medical details and all. [ more ]
Videostar You wait, Charlie will prove to be worse than Saffia. Charlie reminds me of creepy Craig from BB6. [ more ]
Hollygolightly I don't like Sophia (all that screaming) however I don't like Saffia or that full of himslef Charlie, both are way too full of themself. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
my thoughts so far on the housemates...
old hippy guy cant make any kind of judgement on any of em, dont even know half of ems names, the whole show is pointless without live feed, IMO [ more ]
Yogi19 Without LF, I honestly feel I haven`t seen enough of the HMs to say what I think of them. I don`t want to base my opinion on CH4`s heavily edited and biased highlights shows. Sorry Chicken, I don`t want to be one of those Moaning Minnies, but it`s how I feel. [ more ]
WILDER X I only like two at the moment. Rodrigo and sophie [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
can someone explain the sophia situation?
swg guess it depends how you look at it. yes saffia 'started it' by not picking sophia. but sophia 'started it' by taking that decision far too personally - none of the other housemates gave a **** and they all wanted to do, whoever saffia picked would have caused problems [ more ]
swg as the guy on bblb said sophia takes everything people say personally and saffia is very paranoid and sly the way i see when saffia didn't choose sophia for the task she got annoyed and took it too personally. from there both have been as bad as each other, both bitching about the other bitching. sophia was quite bad last night saying saffia was jealous and was bitching about her - all without any proof, of course. saffia was being paranoid saying sophia was bitching about her. bad as each... [ more ]
frenchbread I think Saffia started this. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mike Strutter Hollygolightly well the whole glamour model... plastic surgery look if honest .... [ more ]
Guest I wondered how long it would take for someone to say she looks rough without her make up. She doesn’t - she’s naturally very, very pretty and her figure is amazing. The jammy wee bitch looks gawjuss with or without the slap. [ more ]
Guest I wondered how long it would take for someone to say she looks rough without her make up. She doesn’t - she’s naturally very, very pretty and her figure is amazing. The jammy wee bitch looks gawjuss with or without the slap. [ more ]
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