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As the only * people * on the forum I feel I must answer this

It was Labour and Blair that started privatising the NHS by the back door was 10 years of a Labour government that helped bring the country to its knees , and issued in austerity .....and people who had  more than 23k ( including the equity in their house) have had to pay for their own care for decades . As someone who will probably face that sooner than most on here I have always known that , should it happen , my house would be forfeit .  As for scurvy , scabies etc. I make no comment as I have no figures , demographics etc. 


There are things in the Tory manifesto that I don't particularly like either , but at least it's realistic .....unlike the Labour manifesto that IMO  promises people the earth simply to get into power , most of which ( as with all manifesto since time and memorial ) will probably be reneged on once they get in government . And ignore the 1970s if you want ......but the indisputable  truth is that it was the hard left and the unions etc. that consigned Labour to the backwater for 20 years , so.......




Last edited by Baz